Title I Annual Meeting

Welcome parents and community members!

We are glad to welcome you to our school’s Title I Annual Parent Meeting. 

This evening we will be reviewing and discussing our school’s Title I program. We will cover the following items that are important to you as parents:

What is a Title I school?

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title I, Part A Section 1116 provides financial assistance to state and local educational agencies to meet the needs of at-risk children. The goal of Title I is to provide instructional services and activities that support students in meeting the state’s challenging performance standards.

As a district in conjunction with federal guidelines a small percentage of our Title I money is allotted to have Family Engagement Liaison at the district level. 

 How does our school spend Title I money? 


Additional Math/Leadership OR a Language Arts Teacher

After School Tutoring

Web-based subscriptions/programs and adaptive learning platforms such as I-Ready Math, Reading Plus, Flocabulary

Basic student supplies

Improvement of Instructional Services

Instructional substitutes for staff training

One-half of Academic Coach (to lead instructional staff training)

Professional Learning Communities Workshop and RTI

 Instructional Staff Training 

Training for i-Ready Math, and Reading Plus (Academic Coach) 

Data Analysis Teams (Academic Coach) 

Pupil Services / Parent Involvement 

Full-time Parent Involvement Coordinator

Parent Instructional Resources to check out and use at home to improve student learning

Print and dissemination costs for Title I information and presentation of Title I events such as: parent workshops, Math and ELA at-home digital,  Benchmark-Growth-Testing Data, Title I Annual Meeting, Fall and Spring Parent Advisory Council meetings, Volunteer Orientation, and transition meetings.

How does your school participate in the Title I program? Lakeview Middle School advocates parent engagement by building relationships with parents through volunteerism, Parent Advisory Council, transition activities for our upcoming 6th graders,  parent/student academic online digital math and ELA, Benchmark-Growth, and Testing Data. Open House. 

What are our school’s Title I (Schoolwide) requirements?

The purpose of schoolwide Title I programs is to improve the entire educational program in a school. This should result in improving the academic achievement of all students, particularly the lowest-achieving students. 

Lakeview Middle School Schoolwide Program – Past and Present 

What are our school-wide goals?

Our school-wide S.M.A.R.T. goal is: Increase the weighted percent of students scoring at Proficient Learner or above on the Georgia Milestones assessment in all grade levels and core subjects 

(Student Growth Percentile describes the amount of growth students demonstrate relative to academically similar students.) 

What programs/supports are in place to help my child? 

Extended Learning Time (ELT) – an additional 50 minutes each day of specific focused instruction in reading and math

An Academic Coach

A Variety of Supplementary Teaching Methods


Parent Involvement in Students’ Education

Other School Programs and Supports

After-school tutoring in Math and English Language Arts

Specialized Learning Materials (Reading Plus, i-Ready Math etc.) (Benchmark Scores)

What curriculum does our school use?

Catoosa County Schools uses the state-adopted standards as the basis of our curriculum. Currently, the adopted curriculum is the Georgia Standards of Excellence. These standards provide clear expectations for instruction, assessment, and student work. Teachers are encouraged to use instructional frameworks which include an opening, work session, and closing for the delivery of instruction. Pacing guides and curriculum units called "frameworks" are some of the resources used to support the implementation of the Georgia Standards of Excellence.

What tests will my child be taking?

Students in grades three through twelve take the Georgia Milestones assessment.  Instruction is centered on the Georgia Standards of Excellence with a proficiency level of 3, or 4.  

Georgia Milestones rely on the Georgia Student Growth Model (GSGM) initiative designed to provide students, parents, educators, and the public with important information on student progress. Academic achievement only tells part of the story. The addition of student growth tells a more complete story about the academic performance of students. Now we not only know where students ended up, but we also know how much progress they made to get there.  This is an exciting time for students and their parents.  

Be sure to pick up the Student Testing in Georgia handout.

What is required by law for parent and family engagement? 

School systems must:

Build capacity in parents as partners

Share and support parents in attaining high student achievement

Parent and family engagement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring that: 

(a) Parents play an integral role in assisting their child's learning. 

(b) Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at school. 

(c) Parents are full partners in their child's education and are included, when appropriate, in decision-making as well as being a part of the advisory committees to assist in the education of their child. 

(d) Policies that are jointly developed with parents guiding what we do in parent and family engagement.  Check out the Lakeview Middle School Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the Catoosa County Parent and Family Engagement Policy.  We welcome your recommendations on these.  Get your copy before you leave this meeting.

(e) Each Title I school jointly develops a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and how the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards.   Be sure you let your parent involvement coordinator know what you want in the compact this year.

  Does my child’s teacher meet professional qualifications?

As a Title I school, we must meet federal regulations related to teacher qualifications as defined by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). These regulations allow you to learn more about your child’s teachers’ training and credentials. We are happy to provide this information to you.  At any time, you may ask:

Whether the teacher met state qualifications and certification requirements for the grade level and subject he/she is teaching

Whether the teacher received an emergency or conditional certificate through which state qualifications were waived

What undergraduate or graduate degrees the teacher holds, including graduate certificates and additional degrees, and major(s) or area(s) of concentration

You may also ask whether your child received help from a paraprofessional, and information about the paraprofessional’s qualifications.

Please rest assured that our staff is committed to helping your child reach his or her maximum academic potential throughout their school career. That commitment includes making sure that all of our teachers and paraprofessionals are highly skilled and delivering quality instruction to your child.

How do parents lodge complaints? 

Parents should bring school complaints to the school principal, Mr. Matt Culbreth.  There is a procedure to address your concerns.

Parents should bring Title complaints to Gina Haynes, Catoosa County Schools Title I Coordinator.  She may be contacted at 706-965-2297 or [email protected].

What opportunities does the school provide for parent and family engagement? 

Family Engagement Opportunities

Math and/or Literacy 

Title I Annual Meeting

6th Grade Transition Meetings

Benchmark, Growth, Testing Data

Fall and Spring Parent Council Meetings 

Volunteer Opportunities 

Volunteering in the Family Resource Center

Selling Ice Cream During Lunch (Renaissance)

Special Events  (Attendance Parties, Dances, Renaissance)

Houses (LMS House System)   

Parent Decision-making Opportunities

LMS Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Fall & Spring

Closing and evaluations 

We want to make sure you leave the meeting informed about the Title I program as well as the opportunities the school provides to get involved. 

 How responsive will the school be to my questions when staff is contacted? 

Lakeview Middle School faculty and staff value regular two-communications with the parents and guardians of our students.  We will do our best to answer any questions or concerns in a timely manner.  Please contact us at (706) 866-1040 or by email (email contact information is listed on our school website – http://www.lms.catoosa.k12.ga.us.
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